Faucet Reward Amount: Up to 20000000 Coins!
Claim Time: Every 6H, 1 claim per IP address and wallet address
HDD Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 41.91259827 HDD
Flax Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 0.91259827 XFX
BPX Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 2.04759827 BPX
XCC Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 1.11259827 XCC
XMZ Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 1.91259827 XMZ
STAI Wallet *Auto Balance: ~ 1.41259827 STAI
Faucet Total paid: 0.08740173 Coins
Total Number of Claims: 8656
Registered Users: 394
Total Faucet Withdrawals: 5851
Pending Withdrawals: 0
Wallet Servers: Up and Synced
Forks Servers Load: 11.83%